Top Hybrid Tips

The standard setup of working from the office has now changed since the pandemic. We have put together a few insights and tips from things we have learned since testing a hybrid working model at Bright Collie.

1. Screen breaks are underrated

Regular 5 minute screen breaks are essential for our health and wellbeing but it can also boost productivity and creativity. Motivate yourself to take regular breaks suited to your environment. If you’re working from home, make a snack, load the dishwasher, water the plants. If you are in the office, have a watercooler moment, make the team a cuppa or walk and talk and encourage your colleagues to take a break together.

2. Plan your hybrid week effectively

Map out your week to take advantage of where you are and when. A day in the office is great for in-person creative, collaborative meetings, face to face support or socialising with colleagues. A working from home day is great for uninterrupted productivity so could involve doing those tasks that need quiet, dedicated time to focus for long periods, or the flexibility of being able to get your work done while waiting for an important delivery.

3. Blend both environments effectively – sharing is caring!

Think inclusively. Use systems, software and equipment that encourage inclusivity of both those working in the office and from home. Hybrid virtual meetings can still happen in the office – don’t forget to have a suitable headset! If information is shared in the office, make sure this is available to those who also need it, but may be working at home and vice versa. Two working environments – one team.

4. Start as you mean to go on and end well

Make the most of the start and end to your day. If you are commuting, get your favourite music on in the car or use the time to have some headspace. At the end of the day make sure you leave the office on time. When home becomes work there isn’t a commute, so have a clear start and end to your day or implement a “fake commute”. Have a space that is associated with work and one for relaxing. Pack the computer away fully or simply shut the home office door when the working day is done.

5. What does a good week look like for you?

Communicate what can make an effective week for you and what influences it in a positive way. It could be that your week is best weighted more towards working in the office, or more towards working at home. You might consider being in the office at a point in the week when your motivation dips. Connecting with others in person can give your morale a boost. Speak to your manager about how you can work together to create a healthy balance while meeting your business goals.

6. Use technology for optimum hybrid success

Make sure all the tools and systems you use support hybrid working. They need to be able to work efficiently in a remote environment and not limited just to the office. Streamline communication systems to work effectively regardless of where people are working. Make sure you are getting the best out of the technology and systems you use and suggest improvements for optimum hybrid effectiveness. Technology is ever evolving so keep your finger on the pulse and see if there are new solutions available.

7. Stay social

Never stop thinking of ways you can be social with others, either in person or virtually as it’s important to connect with everyone. You could bake a cake for the office, initiate a virtual coffee catchup, fundraise, go for a pub lunch, a virtual team quiz; anything that brings the team together is a good thing.

8. Eat well, feel good

Nurture your wellbeing, physically and mentally, as a top priority regardless of where you are based.  On the home-working days enjoy home-cooked lunches, with your larder at your fingertips! Hopefully full of healthy options so you don’t feel guilty when grabbing a tasty lunch-to-go on those office days. Wherever you are working, stay active and connect with an outdoor environment where possible.

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