Case studies

We strategically launch and
relaunch brands…

A brand identity for a nation’s contemporary art collection

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Reshaping Glo

We reshaped Glo with a brand new colour system, punchy messaging, bespoke iconography and signature graphic system in both static and animated forms.

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Credit Unions Wales

The rebranding of a collective who’s purpose is to provide financial wellbeing and ethical investment opportunities to people.

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Mortgages made effortless

NHMB saw a massive uplift in leads and conversations within the first week of launching their new strategy and identity. The conversational styling and ‘effortless mortgages’ message, strongly resonated with existing and new clients.

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Creating a brand with kindness at its heart

Family Housing were evolving. To support their strategic objectives, it was identified that their existing brand name, identity and positioning needed to be refreshed.

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Turning up the
heat for Mixergy

Mixergy is a market leader in hot water tank innovation. We partnered with them to refine their positioning and provide a new identity and supporting brand toolkit to help sustain their impressive growth.

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Be a unicorn in
a field of horses

This is Unicorn is a specialist Amazon agency on a rapid growth curve. With a track record of dazzling clients by increasing sales through Amazon, we repositioned the agency to support them in taking their magic to a new tier of clients.

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Creating a brand
with social purpose

Repositioning an organisation to strengthen
its appeal to its community and beyond.

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Asking the right questions

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The recipe for a
successful brand launch

As a result of the Covid-19 restrictions and lockdowns, ‘staying in became the new going out’. Here’s how we helped a business to pivot, launch, and thrive with its new offering during this period.

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Lisarb Energy
Re-energising solar investment

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Building a brand
that’s full of belief

Aligning the Valleys to Coast brand and
social purpose around a unified proposition.

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Relieving the pressure of
building a leading brand

Developing a visual identity for Frontier Therapeutics,
a market leader in Skin & Wound Care products.

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Making Renewables Work

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A brand to drive
business transformation

The naming, brand positioning and brand identity for
one of the UK’s largest independent finance houses.

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Developing a brand
experience for a
leading conference

Brand identity and positioning for one of the
UK’s largest events for health professionals.

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Making a positive
impact on the world

Establishing a master brand for a family of ethical businesses.

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A presentation
with purpose for
University of Oxford

Creation of a visual toolkit to raise awareness
and investment for a new medical centre.

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Revising BMJ
brand messaging

Messaging and brand identity for BMJ OnExamination.

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The ‘answer’ to better living solutions

Bright Collie were commissioned by the then named, Pembrokeshire Housing Association, to help lead them through an important process of change. We were tasked with forming the Brand Strategy, Naming and delivery of a new Brand Identity for a dynamic organisation.

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Helping accountants profit from branding

We were approached by DWA to refresh their brand identity and enhance their position as expert ‘cloud accountants’.

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Developing a brand
that fires the imagination

As part of the restoration of the Old Town Hall in Merthyr Tydfil, into a modern centre for arts and cultural activities, we were commissioned to develop the brand strategy, naming and brand identity for this historic landmark.

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A new wave of
property services

Valleys to Coast is a housing association that provides over 6,000 homes across South Wales. It identified the need to create a wholly-owned subsidiary to focus on property repairs and maintenance services to support the organisation’s evolution and improve its ability to provide tenant-focused services.

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